Fire liqueurs are made to be lit. So far so good. But what else you can do with them we will tell you here….
Of course GletscherEis also tastes well if you have it pure. Many fans also tell us that they have it on the rocks, also quite nice.
We recently asked a few people what else one can do with our fire liqueurs: Here is the first of many answers:
Fire Liqueur Shots - Simply & Delicious
Here two fast recipes for you:
"Griane Wiesn"
The “Griane Wiesn” (Tyrolean dialect for “green field”) is our fire liqueur shot favourite. Almost everyone liked it best. Grass green in the glass it also looks really cool. It is swiftly mixed: take on 1cl GletscherEis and add 1cl of orange juice, done and simply fantastic!
Wenn ihr diesen Shot mit frisch gepressten Orangensaft zubereitet, schmeckt er noch eine Ecke besser. GletscherEis gibt’s hier.

"Gscheckte Kuah"
The “Gscheckte Kuah” (German for “speckled cow”) is the fire liqueur shot that was as well received as the “Griane Wiese”. The intense herbal taste of the TeufelsKräuter liqueur together with the mildness of the milk, really tasty.
Simply pour 1 cl of the TeufelsKräuter fire liqueur and 1cl of cold milk into the glass - done! Looks like a spotted cow, doesn't it? It is definitely delicious!
Tip: you can light this shot like in the Tyrolean fire ritual. That would be a hot spotted cow.
To you and your enjoyment!